The D.C. experience in radio returns...
Amplify the art and culture of Washington D.C. with a WOOK Radio DC membership.
Item Annual fee (one-time payment)
Individual membership $60
WOOK individual memberships provide discounts and priority access to WOOK Radio DC events and
announcements of your personal/private events for 1 year; additional privileges pending. Ask how you
can become a sustaining member for just $5/month.
Small business (< 25 employees)/non-profit $75 w/ $75 first month's deposit $900
WOOK Radio DC small business memberships come with the privileges of an individual membership, plus 1
year of unlimited, daily run-of-schedule ('ROS') on-air announcements, discounts on WOOK Radio DC media
production and event planning services, and an online acknowledgement with a hyperlink to your businesses'
web sites.
Ask about adding 30-second announcements to a specific WOOK Radio DC program, title sponsorships, or
underwriting a daily or weekly time block of WOOK Radio DC programming. From $35/month.
Host/programmer (weekly 1 hour show)
$75 w/ $75 first month's deposit $900
WOOK Radio DC's on-air programmers earn 25% overrides on the total dollar value of memberships they sell,
and underwriting they directly generate on behalf of OK Radio DC.
Associate n/a $250
Associate members are provided:
1 year OK Radio DC membership
2 complimentary passes to all OK Radio DC events
25% override on the total dollar value of their membership sales
Associate members representing small businesses or organizations are also provided:
Their company's logo or name proudly displayed on a limited run of WOOK Radio DC T-shirts and 6 months'
ROS announcements for their business/organization OR 3 months' title sponsorship of a 1-hour weekly WOOK
Radio DC program (if applicable)
Director (limited enrollment; 2-year term) n/a Inquire